LAst count, there were over 5 million wild turkeys in PA ALONE. We are being inundated with the buggers. Theyre all over the place. AND , its not so damn nice when yer driving along a country road and you hit a low flying turkey. AS some of the jakes can go over 15 pounds.
Its good that you can eat em but, on the most part, most MErkins dont know how to cook a turkey so we just let the damn things multiply unmolested and , instead we grow institutional turkeys in huge industrial concentration and freeducation camps.
I imagine that , by 2016. we will have a third party candidate representing wildturkeys..
NOw Thanksgiving, simply stated, is a holiday in which we are forced to prepare and eat foods that noone in their right minds would eat normally. I talk , of course, about foods like candied potatoes, here they take perfectly good sweet potatoes and then cook thm in pancake syrup to transform them into a member of the dessert food group. They are best if served to some starving population of Hotentots, as they are a quick source of sugar and fats, not to mention marshmaalows.
There are countless other Thanksgiving "food-like" substances, I cannot be responsible for remembering any more of them, its good enough that I knew about candied sweet potatoes.
The day after Thanksgiving is an even more relevant day in AMerican History, it is the DAy that Jeffrey DAumer died.