This is somewhat off topic but I'd never let that stand in the way of a good story.
Back in 1992, when the USSR had just gone out of business and some of its former "republics" had re-establlished their independence, a group of educators in the field of business administration and finance in the Republic of Latvia came to the USA to take a look at how we educate future entrepreneurs here. The trip was sponsored by the US government. As a contractor with the US State Dept.'s Office of Language Services, I was assigned as escort/interpreter to the group. One of our stops on the agenda was at the Harvard Business School in Boston. The Latvian delegation was to sit in on a class in business ethics for graduate students.
The Latvians , looking at the day's schedule, found the course title amusing, even bizarre. In their understanding of American business enterprises, the expression "business ethics" constituted an oxymoron, plain and simple.