NRA And Brady Campaign AGREE:
Barack Obama Is Anti-Gun
Friday, October 17, 2008
In a rare occurrence, NRA and the Brady Campaign
(formerly Handgun Control, Incorporated) agree on something.
Four years ago, the Brady Campaign endorsed an anti-gun senator
by the name of John Kerry for President, and NRA thought that
decision made sense"for an anti-gun group.
This week, in a testament to his anti-gun record, Barack Obama
also received a presidential endorsement from the Brady
So, once again, the Brady Campaign and NRA are in total
agreement"Barack Obama is, by far, the most anti-gun
presidential nominee in history and he certainly deserves the
endorsement of one of the most outspoken anti-gun organizations
in the country.
NRA-ILA has repeatedly documented Obama’s anti-gun stance;
but if any doubt remains about Obama’s true position on
the Second Amendment, his endorsement from the Brady
Campaign should dispel it.
The Brady endorsement of Obama comes on the heels of similar
endorsements we’ve reported on from the American Hunters and
Shooters Association, and the Humane Society of the
United States, and dovetails nicely with them¾the first group
being the leading anti-gun lobby in the country; the second,
a phony front group whose mission is to confuse sportsmen as to
their true anti-gun agenda; and the third a radical animal “rights”
group that wants to ban all hunting in the United States!
So, as a pro-gun voter, you’ve got to ask yourself:
Why do these vehemently anti-gun, anti-hunting groups
unequivocally endorse Barack Obama? And the answer is:
They know he supports their anti-gun, anti-hunting agenda and
is therefore their logical and unanimous choice!
The Brady endorsement puts Obama in the anti-gun company of
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Jack Reed (D-RI),
Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY), John Conyers (D-NY), Sheila Jackson
Lee (D-TX), and, of course, John Kerry (D-MA), to name a few,
who are also counted among the Bradys’ endorsed, anti-gun
political elite this year.
The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) has issued its
endorsement in the 2008 Presidential race (due to federal
campaign finance regulations, you’ll have to read more about that
endorsement by clicking here), and is more than confident that its
endorsed candidate is not simply the better choice of the two;
he is the far better choice. In fact, there can be no doubt;
the man Brady, AHSA, and HSUS have endorsed is the most anti-
gun presidential candidate in American history!
Or more information about Barack Obama’s extremist views
concerning our Second Amendment Rights, please visit
For more information on NRA-PVF’s endorsement and the
candidates’ records, please visit