Fri 17 Oct, 2008 08:08 pm
Msn Groups are closing and partnering with to enable a transition to Multiply's social networking service from Msn. At this time, migration and exporting of your content (the details) are not finalized yet, but will be forthcoming. But here is some information that might assist you right now.
User ID's at Multiply can only be used once. If you open a Multiply account and then cancel it, you will have to use a different User ID the next time. (This is the what you sign up with, and you choose it as long as it is available and not in use) This cannot be changed so choose carefully. It will appear in the url of your personal site as well.
At Multiply you get your own site as well as the ability to create and join existing groups. And Multiply is FREE with the ability to post UNLIMITED content to include photos (something that you have limits here with) Photos at Multiply not only have thumbnail views, but ZOOM up to 1200 x 1200. So any use of photos for hotlinking at Multiply using Multiply stored photos (either privately or publicly) works great.
Once you register at, make SURE you go to your valid email, locate the Welcome email you will receive back after registering and click on the confirm link or you will not be able to access all of the features. One feature in settings is setting your USER NAME. This CAN be changed at any time. (Real first name, nicname, etc. I do not recommend using your last name. It's a required field. Put in a space instead although ONLY your contacts can see your last name or members of a private group.
You must know another users exact User Name, User ID or email address EXACTLY to invite them to be a contact or invite them to a group. Make sure you have all of this information before your group closes if possible.
There will be announcements at Multiply regarding where MSN users can meet up. Most likely a group will be set up for just this purpose, since email addresses aren't always shared in a group here, (it's not recommended)
You may choose from a multitude of contact relationships, from friends, family designations, to online buddy. You can set permissions for each post you do, so that only those you give permission can see your contact OR.. you can post publicly. Home pages and Groups work very similar but there are differences. I have more information to add to this thread and will try to answer any questions also. I will post links to support groups also in this thread.
Be sure that after you confirm your email, go into your settings and get that taken care of first. Click on everything. Set everything up there first. Be SURE to enable advanced posting options while there so you don't miss any of the extra features.
Multiply and the users there will work very hard to assist all users with migrating over, for those that wish to do so to include supporting the exporting of your group content from MsN to Multiply. Details on that will be forthcoming as it's made available.
Here is the User support group for feature questions and issues:
Huh, I remember msn being sold to me as primo re my phone company dsl group and said, nah, based on past experience particular to me, getting in to groups I was supposedly in being a long term pain - and besides, I couldn't get it with a mac and that phone company, which I continue to despair about. No mac back up there, as in near zilch.
Why would I want to sign up for an msn follow up?
Obviously I'm not smart on all this but from here I see the new stuff as sort of quaint.
Wouldn't mind hearing just how I'm wrong.
I've belonged to a few MSN groups. Technically, I still belong to one, but I haven't looked in for about a year. It sent me the above notice.
I still belong to ravensrealm and littlek's site, but have long since forgotten the passwords.
Oh, yeah. I joined those. Hm.
I changed email by virtue of moving and msn wouldn't let me in. L'k and I pm'd back and forth but I'm still out of there and a few other sites. Usually one can work this out - I'm not completely helpless and have worked it out other places - but on msn I gave up.
I remember my old passwords, since I usually keep a record, but they don't apply. So it goes.
Good grief. This is going to be a pain in the patoot. I guess I need to start sorting things out there. I've got photos at MSN groups that I don't have anywhere else anymore.
Me too. I remember specifically two photos on littleK's site that I remember fondly and don't have anywhere else. We'll see, it's been a few years, I may try again.
ok, the move was easy and the new site's pretty dang good. I moved my flickr photos over as well. Now to move the stuff at blogger tonight.
They are still there, all photos on littlkb's site at Multiply I mean.
the transfer of the flower hat? I'm looking at that set right now.
Now if I could just figger out how to attach my blogger account to the multiply account, I'd be verra verra happy.
Getting three sets of photos into one place, already pretty dreamy.
how did you get the beach scene? What did you do with your pictures after transfering them so that I can see them?
The beach scene came through settings (upper right hand corner)
Folks who have pics hosted on MSN and showing up here on A2K might find they get little boxes with red x's in them once the changeover is complete, so be aware.
Well it's just if people see older posts with a lot of red x's, that could be the explanation.