Thu 18 Sep, 2003 07:52 pm
I searched for IBDB for quite a long time and was quite surprised
not to find such site. While Amazon is indeed the closest thing to such, it
is WAY too oriented to selling and offers no such wonderful
community/rating/reviewing options as IMDB does.
As good idea as it seems, I found no site so far that comes close to
the mentioned ideal. I found a few who try, but they are either not
trying hard enough, or have a hopeless interface (e.g a text file
hosted on GeoCities) or have strange and mixed goals.
The information I'd like to see the most is the ranking of the book
(that comes from the visitors), user reviews, top books etc. In fact,
I'd like just to copy IMDB layout and put book content in it.
I am tempted to try doing such IBDB myself.. While I am a private
person, I believe I can make a comfortable system (or at least just
copy IMDB functionality).
My main concern is the book database itself, I'd rather not pump
information from Amazon, thus the alternative is starting with a
tiny database that will be expanded by the visitors.
What do you think about the whole concept? Do you feel a need of
such IBDB? What other features you think you'd like to see in such
site? Do you know any site that fulfills your demands in that direction?
Though the responses to the idea, so far, were very positive, it worries
me as well. How is it possible that as needed site doesn't exist in 2003?
You've got a great idea there. I'm sure there is probably something like that somewhere. Have you tried the invisible web. Go to . Then look up their regular newsletter on search engines. The current page has links to the invisible web. Good luck.
Another question - what is IMDB? Or is that just a typo?
IMDB is the internet movie database and is often imitated:
IBDB is the Internet Broadway Database but vitalyb is asking if there should be an internet book database:
My answer is yes, and there are many, just not with the format and name he /she describes.
If I were you, I'd just use an automated Amazon dump and you could set it up how you like but without all the work of reinventing the wheel.
In a month or wto I'll make one and you can see what I mean.