To piggy back on DrewDad, that's $2,300 for each man, woman and child in the US. Since we know all are not "workers" earning income, the real liability is many multiples of that, and that's only the principle amount - not the real long-term cost.
According to some recent articles about how much the federal debt was before this $700 billion bailout, each citizen's share was somewhere in the $70,000 range; much more than most average wages.
That's the reason why this administration and congress has not only put us into debt, but our children and grandchildren. Our government now wants to extend that debt to many more generations into the future.
People still don't understand what kind of handicap that's going to create for our economy; now and in the future.
We're already mortgaged to the hilt, but people don't see what's not in their checkbooks or purse. All our bank accounts have already been overdrawn.