My goodness, I DID love my fat "Victorian"!!!!
Yes - though not, I think, everyone's cup of tea!
Can you tell from what I've said here ("A Suitable Boy" et al) whether it's likely to be mine? What books would you liken it to? (I.e., "if you liked ____, you'd probably like TCPATW.")
I have entered a new phase of motherhood, where my child is allowing me to read! I am quite giddy. I read the whole of "The Da Vinci Code" in a day or so, while sozlet assembled legos, built trains out of chairs, and generally (gasp) entertained herself for significant chunks of time.
MMMM - er...trying to liken it to summat. It is like the Victorian novel with the realities in - like the sexual realities - and the bleakest of economic realities - Dickens has the latter, but they are romanticised.
It is very black.
That gives me a fairly good feel for it, thanks.
I have a towering stack that I have been just waiting to dig into (a dear friend who owns a bookstore gave me a passel of modern Indian novels when I went to visit him) but that's on my list, now.