Here's the latest on my opinion about our economy and the stock market.
The economy continues to show improvement in most sectors that makes a difference on our stability and growth. The market is doing better than expected, because foreigners are investing in US capital markets. Also, Asia and Europe is also beginning to stabilize - especially with the UK showing the best improvement.
My funds are up by 12% this year with the Nasdaq up by 15.7%.
The fiscal cliff will be good for our economy; it will increase tax revenue during the first quarter that will allow our government to extend unemployment benefits. The feds are going to loosen cash to allow more people to buy homes and big ticket items at low interest rates - which will help our economy.
With most of the wealth being held by the top 10% of Americans, the feds, and many companies, the fear of inflation is minimized.
With the baby-boomers beginning to retire, they will be spending more on leisure/vacations, food and drink.
The glass is more than half full at this period of time - IMHO.