Hard to explain why I found this funny. More like charming and understandable. I found the italian piquant - Italian is a lovely language to me, visually and to my ears. When I took the photo I couldn't get every word but got the gist of the message.
A sign in the Oltrarno area of Florence:
Si vergognino gli incivili che ogni giorno portano i propri cani a riempire questa pubblica via di nauseabondi escremente che puntualamente non raccolgono.
Si vergognino gli insensibili che infischiandosene di opportune leggi communali, dei buon senso e degli altri lordano questa graciosa stradina anche dinanza a usci di casi e di negoze.
Si vergognino. Perche’ se i cani conducessero i loro padroni de racatterebbero la merda.
Un abitate di Via de Sapiti
My rough translation -
They shame themselves, the uncivil who every day take their dogs to fill up this publc way with foul smelling excrement that they do not regularly collect.
They shame themselves, the insensible who don’t give a damn about appropriate communal laws of good sense and they soil this gracious path in front of homes and businesses too.
They shame themselves. Why if they are leading the dogs are their owners (not) gathering the ****.
An inhabitant of Via de Sapiti