Sun 24 Aug, 2008 01:03 pm
Holy crap!
People give away some cool stuff. (I'm in the market for broken-down printers and scanners, so that I can salvage the stepper motors.)
Just checked it out, first impression is that it's a bit of a pain in the ass to use with separate yahoo groups to sign up for and that it doesn't have enough users in my area to beat out craigslist.
@Robert Gentel,
K. I just joined the one for Austin. I suspect the two userbases may not overlap, so may be best to look in both.
Wish I'd known about this when Shewolf was looking for an A/C unit.
I've looked at it before and not joined the local group. This time I did, since I have large buckets of 2" garden stones that someone else could use if only they'd take them away, away. We'll see.