Thank you very much george.I didnt expect That and it was very nice of you....I understand Your point of view as well and Im rather inclined to agree with it Now. (refering to the angels thing)
getting a tattoo even In a Small small part to give off that sorta message isnt soemthign i want (to offend people that is) I Have always liked those two phrases but I think now that perhaps the connection to video games Even for me is far too distant and In the end it would end up being a tatoo That "looked Sorta Cool" Cause Of the font or the wording......
Also to whoever stated with self mutilation on their hiring prefrences I Fully understand that point of view,Which is why i would never get a tatoo where is was shown.....On your chest or back would always be covered and Id make sure of that point.
Thank you guys for your views on this both positive AND negative.