boomerang wrote:dlowan wrote:
Remember Sobranies?
Can't say that I do. Did they call them that because the brainies smoked them?
Honestly, I'm still trying to wrap my mind around a snack/ash tray.
Would that be a snaksh tray?
That sounds kind of James Bond, doesn't it?
"Bring me a snaksh tray, Pussy."
Smoking was just such an accepted part of life.
My parents for kid with asthma (and remember there was almost no treatment then, except doctors rushing in and injecting you with adrenaline until the wheezing stopped) and the other dying of cystic fibrosis (one of the effects of which is terrible lung problems) and they BOTH smoked! In the the car....everyone (almost) did.
Sobranies were just tres sophisticated.
They were black..with gold filter covers...or the cocktail Sobranies were all delicious colours.
They were smooth and luvverly.