the stories are bubbling through me today for some reason.
Another thing I did that caused the grey I live with today was ride on top of a moving car.
it was an old plymoth. late 70s model but I dont remember the make.
I was 16, and my boyfriend at the time was drunk I think and daring me to do it. I thought he would only go about 10, 15 mph. Nothing faster then what you would do in a parking lot for example.
I climbed on top of the car, stretched out on my belly and held on to the door window frames. And he took off...
I mean.. TOOK OFF...
At one point the only thing I had to hold on to was the door frame because my body had slid down the backglass of the car.
he was laughing his rear end off.
How I made it with out falling I dont know. But I was in tears for hours after that, and he got a huge black eye from me as well... among other things..
I dont think I ever beat someone like that before then