Margo -- Yikes -- I thought maybe I didn't have the word aright. I don't know many of these guys

and so don't use that word TOO much, but I looked it up on Google. Whew. It is a word on this side of the 'quator and I meant the second definition. Actually, suits him pretty well. Love that other one, philanderer, too.
Definition: [n] a tool for rounding corners or edges
[n] a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained
Synonyms: debauchee, libertine
See Also: adulterer, bad person, blood, debaucher, fornicator, gigolo, ladies' man, lady killer, philanderer, profligate, rake, ravisher, rip, roue, seducer, swinger, tool, tramp, violator, womaniser, womanizer
So Mrs. Simenon cut him down to size? Still, that's a lot of "conquests."
Didn't watch Kojak; don't watch police shows in general, though I like Inspector Morse.