Fri 5 Sep, 2003 04:41 pm
Has anyone here read anything by Oliver Lafarge? His best-known book is Laughing Boy. I've read a number of others too, and would love to discuss LB and the others with anyone who knows them.
I've never heard of this author. What's he like? Do you have any other authors you can compare him to?
LaFarge was an American writer best known for his novel Laughing Boy, a love story with a social message set mostly in the Navajo nation about a hundred years ago. He also wrote The Enemy Gods and several other novels of varying quality and a lot of short stories, some with an Indian setting, some about anthropologists and even a couple science fiction items.
He died in the 60s and his work seems to be fading, though I imagine Laughing Boy will always have readers, as it is truly a beautiful story. It is still in print, possibly the only one of his fiction titles that still is. I recommend it highly.
As to whom LaFarge reminds me of, no names spring to ming. He has a subtly lyrical style that, while not terribly remarkable in itself, doesn't really resemble anyone else's that I know of.
Many thanks - yet another author to check out, on my list of hundreds. :-D Cool!
Actually, I slept on it a bit and am vaguely reminded of Thornton Wilder. Vaguely.