Wed 3 Sep, 2003 02:09 pm
Is there are reason that some of the subjects are typed in way-out upper and lower case like above?
Please someone ... explain. Am I not in with the cool-crowd? Does this mean something? I am looking at some of these headings too long and trying to figure out what they mean ... is there a secret code within? WHAT?
It's is one of the ways the internet culture has developed to draw attention to themselves....
CaPiTaLiZiNg EvErY oThEr LeTtEr (this one got its start with the Warez crowd I believe)
adding lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and adding ******XXXXXasterisks or XXXXXXX**** to your statement
makes your text stand out in the crowd.
"What is Warez?"
Hope that helps explain it to you d00dz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, it's been around since the very early days of the internet...
Oh !- you mean there's a semi-rational explanation!
Well, I never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EvEr....
Well I completely flucked up my title then didn't I?
S'long as y'all are not secretly coding each other and leaving this d00dlz out in the dark, tha's okay!
Is that like ... Warez for the straight guy?
That Butrflynet !
Always helpful and obliging, and knowledgable
"Warez" or hacker language comes for many reasons. Mostly just the general tendency people have to have "inside" languages.
Some were for very logical reasons like making up a new word so that searches for the other word won't find you. etc etc
But mainly it's just a matter of style,
n00b = newbie
pr0n = porn
etc etc etc
I think it's kinda silly. Ima goan hav tew sai that I dunno whai peepul dew stuf laik that.
One of the very first projects of the Warez crowd was the creation of AOHell. It was nothing but grief for us chatroom hosts and guides from the early days.
The latest fad as far as internet languages goes is H4X0R which substitutes symbols and numbers for some letters of the alphabet.
Here's a tutorial on it for those interested.
Before you know it, you'll be H4X0R1NG with the 1337.
i'|) i|\/|pr355 j00 \/\/i7h |\/|Y 1337 pi(|< up 1in35 1i|<3 (r4v3n |)i|) \/\/i7h 451, i3u7 i'|\/| n07 n34r1Y 45 900|) 47 i7.
Quote:i'|) i|\/|pr355 j00 \/\/i7h |\/|Y 1337 pi(|< up 1in35 1i|<3 (r4v3n |)i|) \/\/i7h 451, i3u7 i'|\/| n07 n34r1Y 45 900|) 47 i7.
Translation: I'd impress you with my elite pick up lines like Craven did with ASL, but I'm not nearly as good at it.
pi(|<up 1in35 f0r \/\/0|\/|3n = (134v493.
Ah yes, the "Grand Canyon" has a mystic allure for men of all ages....
Quote:pi(|<up 1in35 f0r \/\/0|\/|3n = (134v493.
= Pickup lines for women=cleavage
Craven's point about "slang" is the best . . . any time young people think that the meanings of their "special language" have become generally known, they'll change them--the point is to be obscure more than it is to communicate, and if anyone fails to understand you, it is evidence of how "uncool" they are. In general, "jargonese" is a human trait--a doctor will get a hefty fee from you for treating your acute rhinitis and nasal pharyngitis, but you're less likely to pony up the big bucks is she just tells you it's a cold, and she doesn't know what causes it. Having a special jargon excludes the uninitiate, defines the insider, and glorifies the guild.
h3r3 ... run in70 7hi5 fi57!
You'd likely do more damage if someone were to run into that beak . . .
Can't call me cool ... but I am sharp!
Oh, how sharper than a serpent's tooth . . .
No one can call ya flighty, neither, huh?