Tue 2 Sep, 2003 06:07 pm
In english class we are supposed to write an eassy about Farenheight 451. So i contrasted it to another story by Bradbury called the pedestrian. What do you think.
Ray Bradbury has written many stories throughout his life. Many of the science fiction genre. The Pedestrian and Farenhieght 451 are two of the many that he wrote. These two books have many things in common but do have some differences. 451is a book about a fireman who is one of the "zombies" of society. The Pedestrian is a short story about Leonard Mead a writer in a city with no book or magazines. These two have many similarities but also have many differences.
In 451 there are many themes such as, censorship, the dangers of technology and questioning society. Censorship is to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable. This is done by the government and carried out by "firemen" who burn books. The dangers of technology are very present in the story. Its show as in where everyone is watching TV and not looking at the wonders of nature. Questioning society is what the main character Montag does during the book. At a point in the book a woman died for the books, this is when Montag asked what is in these books that would make a woman kill herself. The author shows fear, concern and hate for technology in the entire book. The figure of "authority" are the "firemen" who burn books that are "offensive". 451 takes place in the future. The main characters are Montag the firemen, Clarisse a 17 year old who questions society. Beatty the captain of the firemen is very suspicious because he knows a lot about the books. Mildred who is Montag's wife she is a "zombies" of the society and Faber a forced into retirement English professor who teaches Montag about the books. Censorship is shown in the story by the book burnings and TV.
In The Pedestrian there are many things that are similar to 451 such as the theme, but there are differences such as the main character and the form of "authority". The theme in Pedestrian is the same as 451 those are Censorship, dangers of technology. Fears of technology are also present in the short story. As in 451 the books takes place in the future (2053 to be exact). The main character of the short story is Leonard Mead who is a writer but in this day and age there are not any book or magazines so he is out of a career. He spends his nights walking down the streets and noticing everyone watching TV. The form of "authority" is the lone unmanned police car. There is only one form of censorship which is television.
As you can see there are some similarities between these two stories. Some obvious ones such as the attitude towards technology and the setting are the same, but others like theme and the type of censorship are ones you have to think about. There are obvious things that are not the same like the main characters and the type of authority. Ray Bradbury has wrote many stories that are similar these are just two.
It's a good first draft. It might be interesting to add WHEN each story was written and see if you can tell if one was based on the other or perhaps you can see if Bradbury used this censorship/TV as zombie maker theme in other works.
BTW the differences don't seem to be all that different and I suggest you look at sharpening your organization of ideas. If you are going to compare and contrast, first do the compares (all of them) and then do the contrasts (all of them) then draw some conclusion based on the ideas you have presented. How is Bradbury's view of the relationship between government and media revealed in each story? Was he correct in his distrust of authority or was he just a crank with a typewriter? What do you think of his ideas?
Oh, yeah, spellcheck !! and check all your verb/subjects for agreement. You missed about four.
Thanks alot
Yea this is a first draft got some work to do heh