Thu 10 Apr, 2008 10:28 am
An interesting little item in this month's Esquire discusses how the transition to mp3 players has helped music by providing "listen now, look later", where image is not so important to gaining popularity. Music is once again being judged on it's quality and not it's handsome/beautiful quotient.
I'd never thought of it like that but I think he's right.
What do you think?
(Sorry, the editorial isn't online yet or I'd post it.)
I hadn't considered it but that certainly seems sensible
I mentioned in another thread that I thought mp3 players were 'reinventing' the AM transistor radio invasion of the 50s.
We've always had pretty pop stars as well as 'homely' ones. (Think Roy Orbison vs Frankie Avalon). I don't think the situation is much different from what it's ever been. Ultimately it boils down to the music - especially where longevity is concerned.