Yay, thanks everyone! I appreciate the responses
so much...even just a simple "go to the doctor" is helpful, because I'll show this to him and it'll carry more weight than just me trying to convince him, hopefully.. Edgar, Chumly, Rockhead, thank you so much for putting your two cents in.
I'm sorry if this is long, but everyone had thoughts I want to respond to, though...
JPB wrote:
Symptoms gall bladder disease
* Abdominal fullness or gas
* Abdominal pain that is:
o Severe
o Located on the right side (right upper quadrant) or in the upper middle of the abdomen (epigastric)
o Decreased over 12 to 18 hours in uncomplicated cases
o Recurrent or similar to pain in past
o Occurring after meals
o Worse during deep intake of breath
It's in the upper middle of his abdomen, right under his breastbone. Those last four symptoms sure fit perfectly. Pain during deep intake of breath--that's actually something he mentions fairly often, come to think of it.
JPB wrote:He needs to be seen by an MD during one of the episodes for a proper diagnosis, c-cat.
Oh, duh--you know, it sounds so obvious, but I actually hadn't thought of trying to get him to go
during an episode...thanks!
Butrflynet wrote:
Has your husband changed his eating habits to avoid the pains and vomiting? Has his weight changed?
Hasn't changed his eating habits, he pretty much forgets about it as soon as it's over--*sigh*
Come to think of it, he did just mention that he's
lost quite a bit of weight--maybe ten, fifteen pounds?--for no apparent reason.
Butrflynet wrote:In both cases above, emergency surgery was needed to finally relieve the pains and vomiting.
Oh, man, I'm so sorry to hear about all that, Butrfly! You've had more than your fair share of health problems, for sure...

And I do take your point, that abdominal pain is nothing to ignore...
JPB wrote:cypher, what were the green onions in the previous two times?
I once told a doc I had a problem with salty foods and thought I was becoming sensitive to salt. He asked what I was salting... french fries, fried shrimp, and a list of other things I was cooking in my new Fry Baby

The onions were in fried rice--homemade, and I don't use much oil, so not *too* bad, but definitely fatty... I could go for fatty foods being a culprit--it's also been after burritos and pizza that I can remember. Although then I think of just how often we have pizza--the boy can handle fatty foods *most* of the time, that's for sure!
Chai wrote:No, it's not normal to vomit 4 times a year. In the last 20, I've vomited twice, maybe 3 times.
Thank you! That's what I keep
saying, but I honestly didn't know if maybe I'm just lucky or something--although I have reminded him of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry's trying to keep from breaking his ten year no-vomiting streak...I thought for sure a Seinfeld reference would convince him!
ossobuco wrote:Hmm, I even know an office I like in your neck of the woods. But one person's satisfaction with a med group ain't always transferrable.
You know, a recommendation really might be persuasive to him, I dunno. He hears about my a2k ex-North Coast friend all the time, might make him a little more comfortable with it