Just got back from a 10 day trip to Boston to visit relatives and my dad. Weather was hot and muggy, the beaches were beautiful. If it is possible, dad is even more stubbornly pigheaded then he used to be and fighting to prolong his independence for as long as his failing body will let him. Was reminded of why I've always been so envious of the relatives on the East Coast. They truly don't appreciate the gift they have in each other. The elder generation of relatives is almost gone and it will soon be my generation's turn to play the role of patriarch and matriarch. I feel like I really missed out on one of life's experiences by not having any relatives on the West Coast.
Yesterday I thought I was having an allergic reaction to being back in the Valley, but today the sneezes have bloomed into a full blown head cold. First cold I've had in over 3 years and this one is promising to be a doozy.
What's the latest opinion on dealing with colds? Take medication and have the cold last longer or let the cold go its own course and move through your system faster?
Right now I'm drinking lots of OJ, taking aspirin and holding a bucket under my nose to catch the drip between sneezes and coughing.
I made the mistake of going to a Bingo parlor with my aunt. The thick cloud of second hand cigarette smoke irritated my lungs something terrible. (I won $40 btw!) Really really hoping it doesn't move into my chest...last time I had a cold it turned into a bacterial lung infection that lasted for several months.
Petunia, on behalf of all of us non-smokers, thank you very much for making the effort to quit. These continuous colds are one of the reasons I quit smoking nearly 10 years ago now. Keep us posted on your progress and let us know if there's anything we can offer in the way of support.
Here are some websites and tips I often recommend to friends who choose not to smoke any more. Hope they are helpful to you.
I highly recommend the QuitNet site and the recommended preparations for quitting smoking. Without a prepared plan you'll doom yourself to failure. Don't skip any of the steps. They may sound unimportant now, but they really are helpful.
How To Prepare to Quit Smoking -
How To Get Through the First Week (Hell Week) -
Gross Photo Gallery -
Good things About Not Smoking -
How to recognize "Junkie" Thinking -
Top 5 triggers to smoking -
101 Replacements for smoking a cigarette -
Second Hand Smoke -
QuitNet.com, a community of quitters -
Free Smoke Free Quit Meter -