But I have a terrible brain for keeping track of names, so even people on here that I've met in person are known by username.
Which is probably fairly normal.
And fairly useful, too. When I forget people's name in the 3D world, I've got nothing to fall back on.
I'm good with names. Have had occasional trouble with numbers..
patiodog wrote:Nope.
But I have a terrible brain for keeping track of names, so even people on here that I've met in person are known by username.
Which is probably fairly normal.
And fairly useful, too. When I forget people's name in the 3D world, I've got nothing to fall back on.
If I'm talking to someone and forget their name, I call them Bubba or Buddy or BooBoo... if I'm talking about someone I've forgotten the name of, it's usually Hoojemagoo or Whatsit or something like that.
ossobuco wrote:Set nails it..
I've had a number of small fits about it in the past, lest some people start calling me Bucko.. (quails at the thought).
I never made it to the second part.
But Osso to me has always been along the lines of how Kato would say it...
(then again, I "bimp" my head a lot...)
That was lost on me until you explained it by pm, RH.
Setanta wrote:Oh-soh Boo-koh . . . it means the shank bone of a calf, but specifically, a dish made with the veal shank bone in Lombardy, especially in Milan.
I am never sure how to pronounce yours.
btw, your avie & ossos are keeping me mixed up.
While we are on silly subjects....
Chai. dear, please give a stupid guys pronunciation guide,... there is a longstanding moron bet on how "YOU" say it...
(that's are aitch...)
I don't think ossobuco would be said any differently in Spanish.. well, Fbaezer may the man to explain..
and I bet Pantalones knows too.
You all sound like normal people (australians) to me when i read your posts. I'm never going to a meet up, you would all sound... just... wrong.
Besides you are all just figments of my imagination and not real people.
Rockhead wrote:While we are on silly subjects....
Chai. dear, please give a stupid guys pronunciation guide,... there is a longstanding moron bet on how "YOU" say it...
(that's are aitch...)
Chai as in Child. Soft Ch and long I
Mame wrote:Rockhead wrote:While we are on silly subjects....
Chai. dear, please give a stupid guys pronunciation guide,... there is a longstanding moron bet on how "YOU" say it...
(that's are aitch...)
Chai as in Child. Soft Ch and long I
(eddy Izzard)
Because there is a fuking H in it..
Chai wrote:Setanta wrote:Oh-soh Boo-koh . . . it means the shank bone of a calf, but specifically, a dish made with the veal shank bone in Lombardy, especially in Milan.
I am never sure how to pronounce yours.
Seh-TAHN-tah . . . but as the country boys say, you can call me anything you like, just don't call me late for dinner . . .
Rockhead wrote:please give a stupid guys pronunciation guide,... there is a longstanding moron
there is a longstanding MOE-ron
dadpad wrote:You all sound like normal people (australians) to me when i read your posts. I'm never going to a meet up, you would all sound... just... wrong.
Besides you are all just figments of my imagination and not real people.
Then you should be arrested, you pervert. The things you think me thinking...
dadpad wrote:You all sound like normal people (australians) to me when i read your posts. I'm never going to a meet up, you would all sound... just... wrong.
Besides you are all just figments of my imagination and not real people.
You admit to being responsible for Gus?