Wed 5 Mar, 2008 11:10 am
How about getting rich over dog fighting!
Profit Profit Profit!
(let the fun begin)
It is! Don't you know how much MONEY you can make????
I mean, they even advise you that while not the best solution, you can use your own pet! Think of that! You don't even have to purchase a new dog.
jose rodrigues wrote:Dog Fighting Is Fun, Exciting and Legal
Yes it is! My proven system walks you through the easy process of legally protecting yourself by helping you to declare yourself a church, change your name to a corporation, become a sovereign nation or convert your basement or back yard to a "research facility", all with the lowest costs of any professional sport.
wait, that site is a hoax, right? i can't really tell.
ok, the Windows Vista Fight Tracker product at the bottom of the page convinced me that it's all serious and legal and extremely profitable. I'm in. Where do I get a fighting puppy?
You could take the ones the soldiers are throwing around!
actually, reading the site more, and attempting to register under fake name.... it does seem that they are serious
It may be legitimate to the extent that, if someone IS dumb enough to give that guy money, he can get it.. But I doubt it is a 'real' site..
but then again.. it is the internet.
"I've held dog fights in my back yard for years and I'm barely under investigation!"
This is great, I have been looking for a new hobby.
dagmaraka wrote:actually, reading the site more, and attempting to register under fake name.... it does seem that they are serious
You get the same message if you hit submit without putting in any info.
I should make one of these sites
maybe I can con some poor sap into a couple thousand dollars
WOW, this could replace religion as a big money maker.
My dog is going into training. Hell be earing the blue trunks with a white stripe.'HEs outside skipping rope now. Looks a little gay though.
i'm fairly confident that Wendy the Whippet could kick yer dog's ass
JUICING IS RIGHT OUT!! we must establish a baseline of ethics in our endeavors
Farmermans right, it says so right on the web page.
I heard the animals are jacked up on steroids and amphetamines, is this true?
Athletes are strictly forbidden from the use of any hormone, steroid, stimulant or any other prescription or illicit drug. Any competitor found to be using such a substance will immediately face a 30-day ban from competition and a mandatory minimum fine of $176. We do not yet require or permit any sort of testing, but we have reached an agreement with the coaches union that will require periodic, random, anonymous testing as early as 2012. The outcomes of these tests will be binding as early as 2015.
That's it people! Let's get into the spirit!