Heh, yeah I've seen that, while ago... funny.
I used to be way into hip-hop... late 80s early 90s. Got acquainted with old school stuff like Eric B & Rakim and Stetsasonic, got blown away by the hardcore political stuff like Public Enemy, Paris, saw Ice-T live and he was awesome, and for a coupla years played all this early gangsta stuff - NWA, Ice Cube, MC Ren, Above the Law, Cypress Hill - and the French stuff. Then lost track.
Years later (like, 2000 or so), Anastasia taught me to appreciate Eminem, whom I'd originally just seen as this white-guy late-comer rip off of the gangsta rap from 10 years before. She 'converted' me, so to say - yeah,
we had a whole thread about that. But otherwise I settled more into this more low-key underground stuff, like Common and Mos Def and Jurassic 5 - wait, I posted a list of my then-favourite tracks a coupla years ago -
here we are.
There, a post complete with links and references. All it lacks is a chart :wink: