When I was young

Reply Fri 14 Mar, 2008 06:34 am
edgarblythe wrote:
When I was young I got angry because I was in the habit of hearing I Love a Mystery just prior to bed time; I was sent to bed early one night, right at a critical point in the Jack, Doc, and Reggie saga. I was so broken hearted.

oh man, heartbreaks like that are tough.

I had one when I was about 7, and my cousins came down from North Jersey for the weekend. I had a crush on one one them. All of them were in their mid teens and maybe 20. Anyway, on Saturday they all went down to Atlantic City, with my older brothers and sisters. I was deemed "too little" to go.
I moped around all day, until they came back, when to my surprise, it was announced they had bought presents (little trinkets), for everyone who stayed at home.

We gathered in the kitchen, dime store items out of bags saying, "this is for you Aunt, and here's one for the baby....and one for grandma....going down the line.

Eventually all the bags were empty, as were my hands. I didn't want anyone to realize they had forgotten me, that would have made it worse. So, I just kinda sat to one side. But, it hurt so bad my eyes got all red and I couldn't help tearing up. Someone noticied, and finally realized I'd been left out. Someone said "don't cry" and I remember replying "I'm not crying, I just have something in my eye"

Someone said, here you can have my present, but it wasn't the same. I can still remember that trinket, it sat there for years where they had put it down for me. I just couldn't pick it up knowing it was for a courtesy gift for someone forgotten.
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Reply Fri 14 Mar, 2008 02:55 pm
Chai, I kept waiting for the happy surprise. None. Real life is often like that. This was excrutiating to experience and to remember. If you were here I'd give you a giant hug--whether you liked it or not. It wouldn't take the pain away, but things would feel softer for a while.
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Reply Fri 14 Mar, 2008 02:57 pm
Chai, I kept waiting for the happy surprise. None. Real life is often like that. This was excrutiating to experience and to remember. If you were here I'd give you a giant hug--whether you liked it or not. It wouldn't take the pain away, but things would feel softer for a while.
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Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2008 05:05 am
Sorry about the double post. This is what I was writing when things went kerflooey.
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Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2008 05:12 am
The most memorable thing I recall from when I was a little kid: the first day of primary school - & not being able to speak (or understand) a word of English.
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Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2008 06:38 am
Roberta wrote:
Chai, I kept waiting for the happy surprise. None. Real life is often like that. This was excrutiating to experience and to remember. If you were here I'd give you a giant hug--whether you liked it or not. It wouldn't take the pain away, but things would feel softer for a while.

Well thanks Roberta.

Actually, what I feel today is more humor that I came up with that "I have something in my eye" thing.

Ms. Olga, what language did you speak?
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Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2008 06:52 am
Chai wrote:
Ms. Olga, what language did you speak?

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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 03:14 pm
When I was young, I thought angels and people who went to heaven had big plates attached to the back of their heads.

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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 04:26 pm
My neighbor and friend got her mouth washed out with soap (I can still hear the screams!). Do kids still get that treatment?

Nowadays...... My niece got a iTunes gift code from the tooth fairy.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 04:28 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
my baby sitter let me pass the hours away with her tits....

u lucky.
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Reply Wed 16 Apr, 2008 04:30 pm
my dad let me listen to his Led Zeppelin collection. enough said.

His WHOLE collection actually, grand funk railroad anyone?

im all about classics baby.
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