Fri 15 Feb, 2008 04:36 pm
Bare with me.
I have a limited understanding of these things.
While Rifling through the crap on you tube, to find those priceless gems, I've noticed there is more crap then there is quality. So where does all this stuff get stored? Do they just buy server after server, to accommodate the masses? Are videos even stored on servers or do they have multiple drives?
Where are these videos stored and how do they maintain the space necessary for the innumerable amount of videos uploaded everyday?
Yep they have massive amounts of storage space on servers.
I remember reading in the late 1990s that hard disk space was halving in price every 18 months and that by 2020 it would effectively be free. That prediction doesn't look like being wrong. I own two 750 gig usb drives that I use for rotating backup between home and work - cost me $500. In 1988 I bought my first computer, for an extra $500 I got the 20Mb drive instead of the standard 10mb hard disk...
Don't worry about them going broke anytime soon.
I was born in 81' and didn't own a computer until about 99'
but check out these old ads. Of course I don't remember them
but to think that 80MB for under 12K was a deal is insane.......
Computer ads.
Ha, the quotient of semi-naked women in computer ads has sure dropped. I think I remember the honeywell ad.