cello ! hi great answer,but Im not sure if im ready because of my bad grades in math period. I mean i have never recieved a letter grade lower than an "C"- but bare in mind i just went back to school as an older student,but i new the time was righth for me to flurish in life again,because i have given up in the past and dont plan on stopping now.I have have custody of my son and my main goal is to be the best parent i can and provide for him. bussiness adminastation is my career selection of choice,becaus i have goals and believe in myself that soon I can have my owned bussiness and run it effectively and profit so i can have the finances behind me and support me and my son,but its hard,but I know i can make with my education. I have talk with my advisor at school and he tells me that I'm doing find but can do better so i can get a least my associate degree and tranfer,but i get kind of chocke up when it comes to any type of math.