Within Afrotheria, aardvark milk is higher in fat and protein and lower in sugar than elephant milk and more closely resembles the milk of its fellow insectivore, the elephant shrew. Aardvark milk is also similar in composition to milk of insectivorous Xenarthra species (nine-banded armadillo and giant anteater).
PROBABLY SO. BASQUE FISHERMEN WERE FISHING FOR COD ON GEORGES BANK OFF NEW ENGLAND FOR PROBABLY A CENTURY OR TWO BEFORE COLUMBUS CAME OVER, THAT SLAVER BASTARD WE USED TO CELEBRATE on october 12, but now climate change is sending cold-water fish like cod farther north--like iceland?, and new england chefs have to figure out a whole new cuisine for the formerly warm southern water fish who've move north to new england in the cods' place.