You know the embedding thing.... can't get the plug in to plug in..... it comes up saying to install.....which I do, manually, but then... nothing happens... what's supposed to happen hun??? Am on Firefox now...
gotta actually sit and let it stream through on the tab though. Doesn't open up in a new tab the way the links do. I seldom watch the entire video -- open 'em up in multiple tabs and head off into other lands on A2K while the videos click off one after another.
Heart and Soul... my best friend wrote me tonite... he told me how we will never be together.... there, finally, I've just said it out loud. It's taken me nearly a year. If I sleep it means I have to wake up and say it out loud again. I think I shall go sit next to my river.
I found it amusing that, after listening to Rod's song posted by Izzie, there were so many comments from "reviewers" criticising the audience participation.