Ain't you sposed ta be in bed...
Yep.... should be.... world is spinning tho!
Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine
Girls in Their Summer Clothes
I finished cleaning the basement (garage)'s a good feeling.
Izzie put your foot on the floor and go to sleep (that's how I always stop the spins :wink: ) Love you honey
hugs to you and Rockhead
more manfred
Doo Wah Diddy
I didn't know that he sang this and Blinded by the Light for some reason...huh
Izzie, if ya go look, there might be a GO BED message in yer PM box...
From her Aqualung
nite dearie...
Good evening to all. (GO TO BED, IZZIE).
As I recall, JPB is a fan of the blues. This evening on NPR there was a very interesting story about a group from MS called the Homemade Jamz.
If you go to you can hear the interview (12 minutes) and then, over on the right is a link to "Muffler Music."
I am too dumb to transfer that package here. Perhaps one of yall can.
I found it fascinating.
Best I can do, RJB, I am on mobile equipment for a bit...
Nite RH and RJB (thanku) x