Dys, that is the first song I remember singing. My Mom and Dad loved it and would play it all the time...
That and
Behind Closed Doors
they played the heck out of them...and they stuck. Still love to hear them.
Hey kids, I'm flippin' beat. Got very little imagination just yet...
John Lennon
my senior year in highschool i would come home to my mom ironing in the living room with with record of mine playing (as loud as possible) on the RCA
Dys, people are gonna think yer mute...
I had only seen this one, thanks, sir.
Remember when we had hair like that?
RJB, I still do... :wink:
A swamp song
(bows to gus)
Dys, I don't know how you slipped them words in before I got my post out, but I never said I was the fastest edit...
Not sure what tunnel you boys are travelin' in but if ya don't mind I'm gonna deposit this here.....
Sticky Side Up .. Steelheart
I never liked Lennon's version of "Stand By Me." No one could improve on the soul version done by Ben King. Lennon's rendition is too full of fluff in the background.
I wonder if Loverboy knows Lovergirl?
Emotion in Motion
I do now. :wink: Good stuff!
Beautiful love song
Gotta take off in 15 minutes. Have a good night A2K.