Just say: "Ah, there is Max, a friend of mine I haven't seen for a while.
Will you please excuse me?" Don't wait for an answer, just walk up to
whoever you pointed at, and strike up a conversation until they tell you:
"Ah, there is Tom, an old friend of mine.......
How about, "Pardon me ... I have to go puke."
When it happens to me, I just wait for that awkward silence, then I stick out my hand and say " It was really nice talking to you ( or meeting you, or running into you again.. staring at you while you talked my ear off.. what ever) and shake their hand and say ' maybe I will see you around here again later'
Then turn on your heels and walk away.
Ticomaya wrote:How about, "Pardon me ... I have to go puke."
That's how they get in the dry desert heat of Arizona.
Last time I was in that situation, I looked around and said. "OOOOO.....Chocolate Cake!!!"
and rushed in that direction.
I didn't plan on doing that, but it worked quite well, and the chocolate cake was delicious.
Excuse me, I'm going to go help the hostess serve the pie.
There's always the, "Have you met so-and-so?" ploy. You get extra points for helping the guests mingle.
I use " I suppose a root is outta the question'
Its really a win win.
If they say yes, I get to have sex. if they say no at least it gets rid of 'em.
How about, "Excuse me, I want to mingle with other guests, too."?
Oh I see Fred over there I haven't seen him for years. Excuse me. And then disappear in the crowd.
You can use that even if there is no Fred.
Or even better if there is a Fred, wave Fred over, introduce Fred and dump the lame duck on Fred.
CalamityJane wrote:Just say: "Ah, there is Max, a friend of mine I haven't seen for a while.
Will you please excuse me?" Don't wait for an answer, just walk up to
whoever you pointed at, and strike up a conversation until they tell you:
"Ah, there is Tom, an old friend of mine.......
Hey, this is it.
But to be polite I always say to the person i'm talking to:
"Don't let me trap you here. There are plenty people to talk to here. You can wonder off whenever you like. I will talk your ear off all night."
Then it is their responsibility to do what they like.
Usually when conversation goes in undesirable direction I say something like :"Oh, I wouldn't know anything about that"... or "Hmmm, I can understand the lure of it, but frankly it's not for me"... or in some other polite way indicate that this topic is of no interest to me - it does not have to be insulting to the talker.... and then you can add :"Fred know all there is to know about... have you met Fred?" -introduce, and vanish.
he's a lifesaver, and a sweetheart. he'll gladly talk to anybody.
Another possibility is the casual mention of "something infectious". :wink:
1 oz prevention = 1 lb cure
Don't talk to people.
So, are any of the above suggestions of any help?
Reyn wrote:So, are any of the above suggestions of any help?

Yes and no. I think most people assumed I was trapped in boring conversations, but that's usually not the case. The conversations start out fine, but after awhile they start to wind to down to awkward silence. We don't know each other well enough to have an extended chat, plus I get restless with the small talk. I thought Osso's idea of saying something like "I'm going to go mix" made sense. If someone said to me: "Excuse me, I've been meaning to say hello to Reyn all night and haven't had the chance" - I would be fine with that and not feel I was being blown off. Since the purpose of a party is to chat and meet people, saying you are going to "go mix" makes sense and seems socially correct.