Have you ever had your photo in the paper?

Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 08:50 pm
For what?

I've never had my photo in the paper.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 08:51 pm
Nope. I've had a few relatives show up, though.
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Region Philbis
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 08:54 pm
yes, once...
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 08:54 pm
Me too with the relatives. My brother had his photo in the paper when he was about 13 for an early morning door pounding he delivered to the fire department when he spotted an apartment fire while on his paper route.

My sister was in the paper once for just being pretty.

When Mr. B was a little kid his family was in the paper all the time because they were all so "perfect".
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:00 pm
Yes, and I didn't even know.
My picture was taken while I bought flowers at a farmers market
and I made the front page of our local paper.

A friend, who I run into weeks later, told me about it.
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Tai Chi
Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:00 pm
I must have been in the right place at the right time a lot as a kid. I got my picture taken as a 4 year old with my skating teacher when the arena was trying to drum up excitement about the upcoming skating carnival. (I was yawning.)

At 7 or 8 I got my picture taken at Vacation Bible School. A bunch of us were admiring the felt story board.

When I was 15 I was in a marching band and an artist came out to sketch us in action. I had my photo taken with him as he touched up a sketch of me and my trusty clarinet. (I still can't believe they didn't want a photo of one of the under-clad majorettes!)
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:02 pm
Yeah, but I'm from a small town. Had a big pic of me playing basketball looking disturbed.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:03 pm
Yep, when I was 14 and part of a sit-in at the police station. I also flapped my lips to the reporter and was quoted in the article. I was terrified of what my father was going to say the next morning when he saw it, but cutting a hole in the paper would have been sorta obvious.

It turned out fine but I was a nervous nellie for a bit there.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:49 pm
Yep. When I was a small boy in Orlando Florida. I rode the current from one of those sudden Florida storms down the gutter and into Lake Ivanhoe, on a home made raft. Good citizens caused the arrival of police, fire trucks, ambulances, and the newspaper. Fortunately, I was rescued. More fortunately, I didn't need to be rescued.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 09:49 pm

The first time when I was 1 year old and our car was hit broadside by a fire truck.

The 2nd time was when I was about 8 or 9 and a new section opened at the zoo. My mother and brothers were in the photo with me.

I was pictured in a magazine a couple of times, but that is not a newspaper.

I expect the next time I am in the paper will be when I die or have a memorial picture.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 10:00 pm
Only once that I know of.

About 1969 they were opening a new bank or savings and loan office in Woodland Hills, California. They wanted a Boy Scout Honor Guard to stand on either side of the blue ribbon with State and National Flags. I was one of the scouts, and a picture was published in the local newspaper (not the L.A. Times).
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 10:26 pm
Twice, perhaps more.

1) the one I mentioned on another thread, me in a winter coat at something like age 12 looking at a guy making wooden clogs in a department store exhibition in Evanston, in the Evanston Review. Big stupid picture.

2) With my business partner, she sitting at the desk apparently drawing, me looking not only horrible but ogrely, pointing at something on the drawing, both of us around sixty, chins layered while looking down. This was in (I think) a 6 x 8 photo accompanying an article misquoting us up the kazoo with something like 45 grammar and other mistakes. We counted.

The topper was, her husband's daughter sent us a really nicely framed copy of that.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 10:33 pm
Oh, but Jim's post (oh, we lived in the same area back when...) reminds me I did have one good pic, not of me but a photo from Italy, posted in the LA Times travel section as picture of the week. That and a balloon will get you a balloon, but I enjoyed it, I admit. It was in color too. And not all that small.

Have had some stuff, garden drawings I did and jobs done, reported in Sunset mag and others, while I was not the key designer.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 10:45 pm
Yep, once.

I don't even remember how old I was at the time, somewhere in my teens. Our community had opened a "Teen Center" and I was one of the volunteers helping get the doors opened, and attending meetings. So, the wise photographer put us all on the roof in front of the sign on the building and took our pictures. >rolls eyes<

I wish they still had one there now....it was a drug free environment, that had a pool table, a dance floor, snack bar, weight lifting equipment and a counselor.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 11:41 pm
Once for sure...maybe more. I haven't counted. Part of my PR work has involved being the spokesperson for various organizations. I know I've been quoted by newspapers and magazines dozens of times. And I've done quite a few TV/radio news interviews. I've even done some media coaching.
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Reply Sun 6 Jan, 2008 11:46 pm
Newspapers...yeah, several times, but like a few have said...small town, and my best friend married a writer/reporter...her family owns one of the local papers.

TV, twice I believe.
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 12:01 am
I was in a comercial.
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 12:19 am
I had a poem published.

And my girls have been on TV news segments and in a local newspaper.

And my father-in-law has twice been interviewed as a last-minute shopper on Christmas Eve....
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 12:22 am
Tell us about your commercial, Amigo...

I was in a couple of major at the time ones, but it was sheer nepotism.
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Reply Mon 7 Jan, 2008 12:32 am
I drove a forklift in a Homedepot commercial, ate alot of free food and got paid for not working. Thats about it.
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