Take a look at this.
I suggest fast forwarding bc some of the artists are not as passionate and creative as others. fast forward to 7:00 minutes "icekid" and at 9:00 for "chipmunk".
Grime session.
Point being,
This is what Hip Hop used to be.
It was alive.
It came from the heart.
There are still some artists out there that dig deep. i.e. Eminem, Kanye, Mos def, Common but most of the mainstream is mindless.
Some are already aware but for those that are not, this genre,
Grime is fairly recent, originating out of the UK. It reminds me so much of the beginning of what we know as American rap and differs a great deal from what we know of it today; riddled with....... well that's another subject.
While some of the unappealing characteristics of American rap seem to penetrate this newborn genre (sort of out of necessity) it is still something very special.