Thu 3 Jan, 2008 09:24 am
I received a christmas gift from an anonymous person. A cold. Fifth day, and my throat feels like there's glass in it. Not to be disgusting, but, cough, cough, spit. I'm looking for a soothing home remedy. I use to hear family tales of my grampa putting honey in a shot of whiskey for a sore throat. Of course, all of his ailments, whether it be a broken thumb, or a kidney stone, were treated by a whiskey based remedy. I'll pass on that, and wait for some input.
I don't know - my Dad uses honey, lemon and whiskey - burns the hell out of my throat - after the burn I can't feel my throat anymore and gives me the warm fuzzies...don't knock it 'til you try it! :wink:
Gargling with salt water (warm) will help the sore throat - honey by itself will sooth the scratchiness. Aspirin is an infection fighter and a pain killer - but some folks don't like to use wonders for me though.
Yep, honey is good stuff. If you want to forgo the liquor, plain hot lemon and honey (hot water, lemon juice, honey, to taste) is great for soothing throats.
A cold lasts for seven days, but with a good remedy it'll only last a week.
There is an old chinese remedy that my grandmum claims was handed down from generation to generation in our family...she even goes as far as to say it was used to cure the emperor and empress and other various members of the royal court...a fine yellowish/white granular powder that when combined and mixed with a cup of hot water that has a slight aroma/flavour of citrus. It's cured me every time... I'd direct you to your local chinese apothecary but I think grandmum scammed me all these years. That
ancient chinese secret was THERAFLU...
Vitamin C helps you feel better, gives you a bit of energy that helps to work off the cold.
Hot tea that is a bit heavy on peppermint can help calm and soothe your throat
I used to get bad sore throats three or four times a year. Then the Missus suggested I start taking garlic tablets. My doctor says I'm crazy, and there's no medical reason for it, but I hardly ever get sick any more.
Peppermint tea, with honey it is. I'm on my third vitamin c drop. Thank you all.
I swear by regularly gargling with raspberry vinegar when I have a sore throat. My Grandma got it down from
her Grandma, so I'm told.
It works!
Recipe (takes 20 days to ferment)
Buy online - if you can't find a local stockist.
a pun
I'll make sure I have a mouth full of lettuce, before I try yours vid.
Re: a pun
alex240101 wrote:I'll make sure I have a mouth full of lettuce, before I try yours vid.
Good idea. Vit C as well!
Even better - Strawberries. Great with RV.
frozen razz
Thank you for the raspberry vinegarette recipe. Cool site too.
It's all things Italian. How much cooler can you get?
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and howlet's wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Available in the A2K lobby!
I just happen to have all of those things in my cupboard Try - I think they are right next to my voodoo doll - I will throw it all into my Cauldron next time I get a cold.

Thanks for your incredibly helpful remedy <cough>
My mom always told me to gargle with salt water but, that didn't help. Neither did the tea. The one thing that I found that helps me with a sore throat is numbing spray.
Cough Syrup with Hydrocodone is pretty great too. That's not a home remedy though.
Personally, I don't care for the taste of spam, especially when it's been filtered.
That is funny! is H-Y-D-R-C-O-D-O-N-E spam? I have never had that happen before!
The hamsters are on to you....