LOL, Roberta, Mr. Lexia is currently taking a nap. Wants to be in fine fettle for later.
I was just wondering - why is Diane online when it is Bob's birthday? But he is taking a nap, very good. Although I had to look up 'in fine fettle'. Never heard that before...
Here's wishing you countless more sunrises and sunsets with your lady, Dys...
Happy Birthday, Dys.
I've always liked you.
A very happy birthday, Dys!
Don't take any wooden nickels!
TTH, a horse bearing gifts, unlike the Greeks, I hope. Love the horse.
Snood, you got the cowboy in the sunset perfectly--it actually happens sometimes, but not when I've been around. That cake looks luscious. I'll have to scoop up some of the icing before anyone else.
Dadpad, even though Dys has scared me with his health, they say the wiry ones never die. Hope that's true!
Lady Di, Only the good die young.
Dys is just reaching his stride....
LOL Rockhead!! He can be as bad as he likes if it will keep him alive for many, many more years. I honestly don't know what I'd do without him.
Happy Birthday to my favorite cowboy :-D
So, how the heck did this thread end up in "Parenting & Childcare"?
Reyn wrote:So, how the heck did this thread end up in "Parenting & Childcare"?

Seems perfectly natural to me
Reyn wrote:So, how the heck did this thread end up in "Parenting & Childcare"?

Thus proving you didn't read the rest of the thread (not that you have to)
Couldn't get on A2K yesterday, so it seems I'm late to the party
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, DYS! (you old poopity head

Mr. Fix-it and I will hoist a couple of Dos XX in your honour tonight!
Hey ya, cowboy Bob!
yippika-yay, on your birthday!
Hope you had a good one, and that you'll get many more with Diane!
See ya!
Happy Birthday, Dys!
Stick a couple candles in a Frito Pie and go crazy.
Diane wrote:Ticomaya, thanks for posting. It's nice knowing that even those we heartily disagree with will still attend a party for one for whom they've often felt animosity. Welcome!! I'll be bringing out a tray of goodies, so stay and enjoy yourself.
I'm often sure dys feels more animosity towards me than I do towards him. Glad to be here for the party.