Another year older and what have you done?

Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 04:21 am
This if my fifth entry into this thread. Couldn't think of a damned thing positive to say the first four times. (It was a very rough year.)

Finally came up with something. I decided that it wasn't good for me to stay in day after day, so I now make a point of going out once a day, even if it's only for a short walk.

This is combined with another positive. In my efforts to curtail my smoking, I no longer buy cartons and keep cigarettes in the house. If they're here, I'll smoke them. I keep a day's supply and ration them out. Then I go for my daily outing and get more.

In my further efforts to cut back, I keep the cigarettes where I'm not. I have to get up every time I want one. There are no more unconscious reaches. I have to think about it. I have allotted a minimum amount of time that I must wait. I've cut back by almost half.

I joined a senior center. I needed access to a social worker. She helped me and passed me along to a more hands-on organization. But I joined, so I figure I might as well participate. I'm investigating the calendar. Found a few things I would like to do.

Baby steps. But for me, any step in the right direction is a big one.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 04:38 am
Roberta wrote:
This if my fifth entry into this thread. Couldn't think of a damned thing positive to say the first four times. (It was a very rough year.)

Finally came up with something. I decided that it wasn't good for me to stay in day after day, so I now make a point of going out once a day, even if it's only for a short walk.

This is combined with another positive. In my efforts to curtail my smoking, I no longer buy cartons and keep cigarettes in the house. If they're here, I'll smoke them. I keep a day's supply and ration them out. Then I go for my daily outing and get more.

In my further efforts to cut back, I keep the cigarettes where I'm not. I have to get up every time I want one. There are no more unconscious reaches. I have to think about it. I have allotted a minimum amount of time that I must wait. I've cut back by almost half.

I joined a senior center. I needed access to a social worker. She helped me and passed me along to a more hands-on organization. But I joined, so I figure I might as well participate. I'm investigating the calendar. Found a few things I would like to do.

Baby steps. But for me, any step in the right direction is a big one.

Don't sound like baby steps to me, Boida.

I think that kind of "little bite at a goal" technique is far more effective than any other kind of thing.

How's with the smoking?

Care to say what looks interesting on the calendar?

It'd have to be good to interest that sharp mind of yours!!!
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 05:27 am
There's a book group that gets together to discuss books. Hey, I could do that. (Having trouble finding out what the book is. Looks like I'm gonna have to go and sit there without having read the book in order to find out what the next one is.)

They have ESL tutoring. I volunteered to be a tutor. The problem is that the members are supposed to be the tutees, not the tutors. Despite my having 9 years of experience, this is yet unresolved. Since I seemed interested in volunteering, they asked me if I wanted to volunteer to do editing and proofreading. That is FOR FREE. No chance. My objective is to get some human interaction. Not to work for free. Hey, I'm not crazy about that stuff even when I get paid.

That's it so far.

I'm also considering learning how to crochet. But I have to buy stuff for that.

Each month has a different calendar. There may be one-time events that might appeal to me.

Things are proving to be a bit more problematic than I expected. But I'm sure I'll find something.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 05:50 am
Roberta wrote:
There's a book group that gets together to discuss books. Hey, I could do that. (Having trouble finding out what the book is. Looks like I'm gonna have to go and sit there without having read the book in order to find out what the next one is.)

They have ESL tutoring. I volunteered to be a tutor. The problem is that the members are supposed to be the tutees, not the tutors. Despite my having 9 years of experience, this is yet unresolved. Since I seemed interested in volunteering, they asked me if I wanted to volunteer to do editing and proofreading. That is FOR FREE. No chance. My objective is to get some human interaction. Not to work for free. Hey, I'm not crazy about that stuff even when I get paid.

That's it so far.

I'm also considering learning how to crochet. But I have to buy stuff for that.

Each month has a different calendar. There may be one-time events that might appeal to me.

Things are proving to be a bit more problematic than I expected. But I'm sure I'll find something.

Oh dear.

No cheetah watching, then?
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:04 am
I changed my eating habits and feel healthier.
I made working out a priority and slimmed to a more suitable size.
I developed a lot of new friendships.
I've had three poems (another due this month, so soon, four) published in an online magazine.
I finally found the courage to develop a romantic relationship, and learned how to hang out through difficult phases without bailing.
I flew across country for the first time in my life (one time, without benefit of being completely tanked).
I substituted in the public school system and felt like Queen of the World.
I finally developed a very satisfactory relationship with my own dang self.
I made an A in a very challenging education course.
I called my own shots finally, and took risks...I bet on myself and won this year.

Considering everything, it was the best year of my life.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:04 am
thinking, some great things, some not so great.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:10 am
dlowan wrote:
Roberta wrote:
There's a book group that gets together to discuss books. Hey, I could do that. (Having trouble finding out what the book is. Looks like I'm gonna have to go and sit there without having read the book in order to find out what the next one is.)

They have ESL tutoring. I volunteered to be a tutor. The problem is that the members are supposed to be the tutees, not the tutors. Despite my having 9 years of experience, this is yet unresolved. Since I seemed interested in volunteering, they asked me if I wanted to volunteer to do editing and proofreading. That is FOR FREE. No chance. My objective is to get some human interaction. Not to work for free. Hey, I'm not crazy about that stuff even when I get paid.

That's it so far.

I'm also considering learning how to crochet. But I have to buy stuff for that.

Each month has a different calendar. There may be one-time events that might appeal to me.

Things are proving to be a bit more problematic than I expected. But I'm sure I'll find something.

Oh dear.

No cheetah watching, then?

Not in December. Probably not in January either.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:27 am
<raises glass to everyone>

Here's hoping 2008 will be the best year yet!!!
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:33 am
I'll drink to that, Lash.

And I've loved reading everyone's accomplishments. I hope there are more to come.

I know ehBeth learned to bellydance in public Smile Shewolfnm got married Smile Chai learned to rolf or got rolfed and disclosed she uses less than 12 squares of toilet paper in the bathroom Smile Gus disappeared for a while and came back Smile as did TTH Smile Craven got mushy and spilled his guts out for all to see and is getting married (both of which take guts) Smile Lash had some poems published, online, no less, where millions of people can read them Smile From the change in his questions, Yoong Liat seems to have learned the use of commas Smile and I'm sure there's much, much more ...
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 06:55 am
I know! Craven's freaking me out!
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 07:06 am

I got a job! It's fun, it's flexible, and it actually pays. (Started out for peanuts, got a raise recently and it's more like cashews -- nothing to live on, but very nice to get that bi-weekly check regardless.)

Some sort of chapter of my life finished when sozlet started first grade, and a new one started. The luxury was incredible for the first few weeks. I did get used to it pretty fast but parts of my brain have been re-activated that were crowded out by the needs of baby-and-small-child caretaking for the previous 6 1/2 years or so. I'm feeling more on top of things than I have in ages. (Knock on wood... don't want to tempt the Universe or anything...)

I'm really getting settled into my house, my neighborhood, my city. It always takes me a while. I now know which grocery store is the best combination of fresh produce and good prices, and where to find various items in it. If I go to any local event, I can be sure to see enough people I know to chat with them throughout. I know a bunch of people who would be happy to watch sozlet in a pinch. I watch other peoples' kids in a pinch. We have people over to dinner; we go to peoples' houses for dinner. I can find my way pretty much anywhere in a 20 mile radius without a map. I actually go to the North Market. I know the best art supply store. I've found the the best place to get my haircut.

I've been slowly but surely making my yard mine. No big leaps this last year, but continuing progress.

Nice idea for a thread... fun to read. <clinks Lash's glass, raises my glass to everyone here>
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 07:25 am
Nice stuff...wish Farmerperson would write more....

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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 07:29 am
This is an "off the top a me head" thing so

1I discovered mortality as a personal friend and am learning to deal with its reality.

2my company is doing so well that I feel that I may actually be an impediment to its future success and growth.(In otherwords, Im the least able to fully make my own dream happen) . SO, I think that, in 2008 I must look for someone to be the president.

3. I made amends to some people I badly hurt during my rowdy days.

4. I learned to be less damned obsessive. Now I obsess about becoming a type "B"

5. I sold a lot of crap in my life. Thus I begin the journey into geezerhood, except Im not going to become a senile old pack rat. Im gonna be a spartan senile old fart.

6. I had a custom slide made for my crippled left hand so that I can play my peddle steel guitar without scrimping on the hard chords.

7 I had pushed about 7 of my staff to have work published in geology or industrial chemistry journals.

8 I came to terms with my son not wishing to pursue an academic career. Hes chosen now to become a specialized contractor.(Its hard not to want to "direct" your childrens careers. So I will quietly and clandestinely monitor his success and help where I can and , if needed, allow him to fail only in as much as it is a helpful training exercise.

9. Im thinking of starting an "extreme tuna fishing" derby. Small boats, high seas, big tuna, light tackle. I think theres a show here.

10. Thats about it.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 07:35 am
farmerman wrote:
This is an "off the top a me head" thing so

1I discovered mortality as a personal friend and am learning to deal with its reality.

2my company is doing so well that I feel that I may actually be an impediment to its future success and growth.(In otherwords, Im the least able to fully make my own dream happen) . SO, I think that, in 2008 I must look for someone to be the president.

3. I made amends to some people I badly hurt during my rowdy days.

4. I learned to be less damned obsessive. Now I obsess about becoming a type "B"

5. I sold a lot of crap in my life. Thus I begin the journey into geezerhood, except Im not going to become a senile old pack rat. Im gonna be a spartan senile old fart.

6. I had a custom slide made for my crippled left hand so that I can play my peddle steel guitar without scrimping on the hard chords.

7 I had pushed about 7 of my staff to have work published in geology or industrial chemistry journals.

8 I came to terms with my son not wishing to pursue an academic career. Hes chosen now to become a specialized contractor.(Its hard not to want to "direct" your childrens careers. So I will quietly and clandestinely monitor his success and help where I can and , if needed, allow him to fail only in as much as it is a helpful training exercise.

9. Im thinking of starting an "extreme tuna fishing" derby. Small boats, high seas, big tuna, light tackle. I think theres a show here.

10. Thats about it.


Sitting and taking all that in.

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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 09:45 am
Work got more stable and I'll probably be doing it for a while (not to say that I love it there, but ...)

This included getting a company award (very small)

Spent more time connecting with nephews; the older one corresponds to me in Spanish (!) and the younger one enjoys it when we send pictures and cutouts from magazines (he's not reading yet)

Took over more responsibility for parental stuff; we are named as the party to be notified when bills aren't paid -- for both sets of parents

Spent more time on vacation, will do more of that next year Smile

Delegated more A2K stuff; hamsters were wonderful as always and made it possible for me to play more
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 10:45 am
I finished the docent training at the art museum and began giving public tours this year, a long-time goal of mine. Next year's goal will be to develop another tour or two.

I completed menopause this year. Hooray! I am now completely off antidepressants for the first time in almost 10 years, but am beginning to think I may need to start back. The sun isn't shining very brightly these days. I'm watching myself closely.

Started teaching a middle school newspaper class and began that publication. I'm enjoying it more than the highschool class, so I am thinking of ways to limit my involvement with the highschool.

Went to Puerto Rico with good friends, then went to Washington State with family. Planning to do lots more travel this year, so I need to decrease the amount of work I'm doing. Priorities!
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 10:47 am
I did my best.

In some areas that paid off, in others it wasn't good enough.

Well hell, I'm still here.
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 10:54 am
I think that pretty well sums it up for a lot of us, Bear. Cool
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Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 11:00 am
Travelled, spent time with friends, spend a lot of time with myself, learned a lot of new things at work, lost a colleague and a boss to cancer, celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary, met new people, my nephew's son was born.

A year with many ups and downs that once again taught me to enjoy each day.

And I tried to be a good person that I would like if I met myself.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Wed 26 Dec, 2007 11:08 am
Eva wrote:
I think that pretty well sums it up for a lot of us, Bear. Cool

I'd say you're right, kiddo.
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