cept youre Canadana Montana

You get none of the glory Billy Yank.
Sglass wrote:
You get none of the glory Billy Yank.
Oh yeah? plug tree fuddy into google.
dadpad wrote:Sglass wrote:
You get none of the glory Billy Yank.
Oh yeah? plug tree fuddy into google.
He's nowhere on that page, just me, Montana, Setana and HiCs, sorry Farmerman, always a best man, never a groom.
Whos thread?
farmer farmer
he's our man
If he cant fuddy
no one can.
Actually it was supposed to be tree fiddy, which is, I think, Chicago gangsta talk for three fifty $3.50.
I like fuddy better.
Tree Fuddy
descriptive phrase for the rotting scrag that collects in tree forks.
Okay, it looks like I've been voted down from downunder.
His thread, our glory (like in Old Glory) and Montana is a transplant, she's really a Yank.
Sglass wrote:Okay, it looks like I've been voted down from downunder.
Not at all, Sglass!
I would
never vote you down! Absolutely not!
I must confess I haven't read the whole thread! Perhaps I should do that?
I just like & responded to dadpad's poem, that's all!
Not only out of touch, out of it period most of the time.
I spend a lot of time on the puter so I don't have to think about the health issues I came to Boston Pill Hill to address. But I will be back home and in the sun soon, Getting old is a bitch.l.
I don't have dsl so these little u-tube numbers go in 2-3 second spurts,
so maybe you can explain please.
What Montano and I want to know is how did the thread get on-line, I don't know what they call the format. It's a case of do you laugh or cry. Okay professor, what is tree fiddy if it ain't $3.50?
Clueless in the snow.
Montana are you a native of Canada. When I first knew you, you were living in Maine.
Tree fiddy (three fifty) was the term used by chef's parents as a running gag in a few episodes of SOuth Park (Im so stunted, I think SP is actually entertaining). Chef is a black guy and therefore, so are his parents. His father would tell these extended stories about meeting aliens , Loch Ness monsters, Chupacabras , and a couple others. In each case the monster only demanded tree fiddy of them, and the wife would usually relent and give the monster some money (although usually less than tree fiddy). This always angered chef's father , so an argument usually ensued.
Thats all I can remember and Its not really that im portant to the conversation. I dont even know who brought it up,
wasnt me
If you cant get youtube then you miss some of the crap that people post in their quests for their 15 minutes.
(We here on A2k get our 15 minutes all the time) :wink:
Actually you mentioned tree fiddy very casually in one of your posts and for some reason it stuck in my head. Probably thought it was prehistoric tree sap or something.
oy, I did? well now you kn ow the rest of the story