Mame wrote:Never mind that, Reyn, did you get a new hat?
Yeah....... for now.
I'm not sure it suits me. I mean.... is it
really ME?
So this stuff is catching...
last evening I had a mouse breakdown.
There I was trying to access ESPN to see if the Minnesota Vikings won or not, and I couldn't get the cursor to move. I finally caught on that it wasn't going to, and something must be wrong with Mouse.
Hmm. The little window from which the optical light thingy shines had lost half of its window pane. A half of a mouse optical light window pane is small, sort of crumb sized. And yes, I'd just eaten some tuna salad on toast and produced crumbs.
Desk cleaning ensued.
Floor sweeping ensued.
No half window pane found.
So I dug into the carton with my old first Imac, and, lo and behold, had kept that mouse.
Tried it.
It works.
It's rather primitive - has the rolling ball that has to be cleaned periodically, and no scroll button, but the surprise is that I like the old mouse better. It zips across the screen more speedily, and when I do a hand-held scroll, it goes faster than with the dead-mouse hand-held scroll.
All this, and now I have a clean floor too.
Meantime, I think I'll look through the wastebasket in case I tossed the half window pane in there along with toast crumbs. If I can fix it, I'll keep it around as mouse #2.
osso wrote:when I do a hand-held scroll, it goes faster than with the dead-mouse hand-held scroll.
would not any live mouse go faster than said dead mouse...
Sure. I was speaking with recent dead mouse being live memory still in place.
The ones with balls ARE faster!!!!
The work mice drive me nuts!!!!
They do that on purpose.
They enjoy it a great deal.
They gather once you've left and brag about what epithets they extracted that day.
No cigar yet though.
sozobe wrote:Closer.
No cigar yet though.
In the old days, carnie (carnival) side shows used to give away cigars as a prize to someone who would beat a throwing game--throwing a ring around a bowling pin, or throwing a ball into a narrow hole--and the carnie's cry when someone missed would be: "Close, but no cigar!"
sozobe wrote:Closer.
No cigar yet though.
I think the rabbit is smoking a purple cigar.
aren't the purple cigars the ones that make you see the pink elephants?

Oh well dudes this is my form now I,ll call it dudes got no rappers