Tue 4 Dec, 2007 09:53 am
I'm trying to figure out what to get my husband for Christmas. I have a couple of things, nothing really inspiring. He has the same sort of sense of humor as you guys. He loves, loves, LOVES that "Hot Chicks with Douchebags" site, for example. (Gargamel posted it here, I sent him the link.)
Any ideas?
Cheaper is better.
Your husband is like Gargamel and Slappy?
Have you investigated the website?
Threadless has some good shirts.
"In case of emergency, breakdance!"
"Meat is murder... tasty, tasty murder."
I'm counting myself as part of the et al, although I'm not in Slappy's or Gargamel's league....
In a lot of ways, yep. Not every way. Then again Gargamel and Slappy aren't alike in every way either. But the three of 'em do seem to have a similar sense of humor. (I thought the douchebag site was funny but not high-larious.)
I'd love to give him something he's never heard of before and doesn't know exists but that he'd find very funny.
You're in the et al, DrewDad!!
Thanks, that's just the kind of thing I was going for. I remember it came up before and I thought "oooh I should get E.G. one of those t-shirts" but I couldn't remember the site.
I love the "meat is murder" T-shirt, but it only comes in pink.
I imagine EG and Sozlet could have some fun with these:
I am nothing like that deviant p[air.... but try
You're so an et al, Bear.
I'm up to threadless so far -- I want this one for myself (OK but not in this color...
I have never met a man who didn't think the Three Stooges was the height of high comedy.
Why not go with the classics soz?
BTW, I've never met a woman who didn't think the Three Stooges was the stupidest stuff they ever saw.
That's way I'll always vote for Nature over Nuture.
I love the Stooges.
My husband likes 'em but not enough to get something based on them I don't think. Depends on what it is somewhat.
New undies for me, yay!

Funny. Not really a present for HIM, though... OK maybe...
The t-shirt hell ones were a bit much I think. He'd laugh at some of them on the screen but I don't think he'd want to wear 'em in real life.
Know anybody with a new baby?
Here's one place to start:
braille Playboy magazine. It's for real.
There are several of these printed, so if the one advertised is snatched up, Google "braille playboy."
Hopefully I'll have more ideas to post throughout the day. Good luck!
No way!
That's promising, thanks!
And there are a bunch of new babies in my family so the baby stuff looks promising too.
Any book recommendations? I'm planning on getting the Rejection Collection (New Yorker cartoons that were rejected for publication in the magazine, usually because they were too risque) and maybe that memoir by Shalom Auslander, something about foreskin. I thought of getting the Borat book but the movie makes more sense (we haven't seen it yet).