Benefits of being "Famous"

Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 11:52 am
There are a lot of screwed up people in the world looking for love where ever they can get it.
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 12:05 pm
well, we're really going off topic here.

I don't believe all the people who a performers and enjoy the applause are screwed up, and the applause equals love.

I'm asking others to express their opinions on what the applause means to famous people as a benefit.

Applause is a funny thing.
I've been in meetings, large ones, with a couple hundred people, a speaker will make a point, propose something, regurgitate the company line, etc. and the one's who drank the kool aid will applaude.

It picks up momentum quickly, and gets to the point where, even if you are totally apathetic to the subject, clap, just because to not do so would just look odd....yes, it's a concession, a small one.

Jesus, I've seen this lead to a standing ovation. If everyone else ends up standing up, well, you will too, but it doesn't mean a thing.
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 12:36 pm
I was just responding to your statement about how you couldn't understand why someone would fantasize about applause. I certainly didn't intend for it to apply to everyone that works in the entertainment field.
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:07 pm
I think, to a certain extend it is expected of entertainers. They need to
be approachable and lovable by the audience and their fans in order to
remain famous.

One example is Van Morrison, whose music I adore. Yet he couldn't
overcome his stage fright and shyness, and despite his talent and great
music, he fell behind in popularity.

Would I like to be famous? Not in your life!!
In high school I was in a theater group, and it was so much fun rehearsing
and being together with the group, but when it came to performing in front
of an audience, I was petrified and looked like the infamous deer caught
with the headlights. It was just awful. Needless to say, it ended my "career"
on the spot. Very Happy
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Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 03:54 pm
Applause is only one part of the relationship between a performer and the audience. On a good night you can feel an audience--and play on audience emotions.

This is very heady stuff.
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