Fri 30 Nov, 2007 08:55 pm
This might not come out right, but here goes....
Entertainers, such as singers, actors and such, what IS it that causes them to want to be up on stage with many people watching them?
To others it must be self evident, but to me it's not.
Is it more that the person thinks they are (pardon my bluntness) such hot **** that the world feels privileged to gaze upon them?
Or, is it thinking that you're being up there is making people happy? Again, sounding to me like you feel some kind of power, more important than, etc.
Or, is it that you are halfway decent at doing something, ain't no big deal, but you can make a living at it?
I can see the TV from where I'm sitting and there's some show on with various people singing (I have my shooting range ear muffs on, so can't hear them). I see the main singer at the time, emoting, singing and such. However, I also observe the people in the background, playing backup, being calm, doing their job, not really caring that any particular person might be looking at them.
You hear about singers and such having stage fright, but you never hear about the guy in the back sitting in the back and playing the guitar being afraid to come out and sit on the stage.
What do you think is so great about being "famous" and having people look at you?
Friggin people. All Chai does on this board is give and you treat her like this?
Shame on you. All of you.
You think too much chai,
But thanks for sharing.
Gus... shut up.
Too late. You have crushed me, broken my spirit. I walk away with a heavy heart from the unexpected chastisement.
come on Gus, you love any kind of attention.
It was you who hit shewolfs husband, wasnt it.
Quote:What do you think is so great about being "famous" and having people look at you?
You could always get a greating parking space without a handicapped sticker.
You have to have a narcissistic personality disorder with Leo rising.
Like someone is going to see you in your car and run up and say "hold on a second, let me go move my car for you"
Think cyphercat, think.
I'm serious.
For instance, I worked with someone until recently that used to fantasize about being applauded and all that.
I would wonder, "why"?
Chai wrote:
Think cyphercat, think.
once cypher cat GETS here.. im sure she will
Chai, bein' famous ain't all it's cracked up to be.
I was not......but know some who are, and really don't care for the fact that they are. It all comes at a price. (we are talking car folks here, not real movie stars

Being able to manipulate a crowd is a great ego-booster.
Incidently, bit players and background band members are just as prone to stage fright as the featured acts.
You get to sign up and run in Marathons at the last minute even when registration has been cut off.
You only get 4 days in jail for DUI.
Chai wrote:
I'm serious.
For instance, I worked with someone until recently that used to fantasize about being applauded and all that.
I would wonder, "why"?
All those people showing their love... who wouldn't want it?
But then some celebrities think any attention is love.
Shut up Gus.
Exactly parados....for some of them, I imagine they think because they get attention, they mean something to everyday people.
Hank Williams Sr....I remember vaguely something he said about his audiences. Something about how he owed them, and not vice versa.
When it all comes down to it, it's just a job.
Christopher Walken said something about that during an interview with...what's that guys name...James Lipton.
Basically, was talking about his work, and it seemed he really had it in perspective. That is was his work, just like someone elses was being a nurse, a secretary, a plumber.
parados wrote:All those people showing their love... who wouldn't want it?
I have to disagree with you there parados.
I don't want "all those people" showing their love to me.
That's plain silly.
I wouldn't want people letting me get away with stuff because they "love" me.
I think I'd pretty much have to be delusional to think "all those people" "love" me just because they see me standing on a stage or movie.
so, the applause makes it love?
****, they don't know who's clapping and who's not.
If people start clapping, everyone ends up clapping, just to be the same.