Fri 30 Nov, 2007 01:51 pm
I'm so sick of what's on my ipod right now, and was wondering where everyone goes to get their music. I use itunes sometimes, but the contast updates annoy me. Any ideas?
I buy mine at the store. I like to have the liner notes and lyrics - experience the whole thing fully as the artist intended.
Sometimes, if it's just an isolated song or two that I like by a band, I'll get my son to download those for me. I think that yes, he does use itunes- but at this point- I no longer have an ipod. I left it in a drawer someplace I was staying, and though I wrote and asked the management to send it - they said they didn't find it - so someone somewhere has like 700 of my favorite songs at their disposal. How much you wanta bet they taped right over all of them...all that time and effort - wasted.
You should try buying them though - you can get used cd's for 2 or 3 bucks most places. Or the place I go, you can trade three for one - three you don't want for one you do-it's a good way to clear out the mistakes you buy.
There are actually a ton of free legal download sites. Some of my favourites are:
Triple Js free downloads (changes every week or so) - latest indie pop/rock, mostly Australian.
Toronto Star Podcasts: Anti-Hit List(updated weekly) a fairly eclectic mix that steers away from the overly mainstream.
Oddio Overplay - Free and Legal Music Online (updated regularly) > Lounge Acts (updated weekly) - live indie rock acts
Free Albums Galore (updated monthly) and amazingly varied listing of legal free albums - found some treasures through this.