timberlandko was a definite expert in computer maintenance, spyware and virus removal, computer organization, that sort of thing. He did that sort of thing for a living, totally outside of A2K. cavfancier was an expert in cooking (he was a professional chef). JerryR is also a professional chef, as is kitchenpete, but neither of them have been around for a while.
We have some artists who you could probably call art experts; hebba is a sculptor and shepaints paints (seems obvious

). Green Witch, I would call her a plant/gardening/landscaping expert. I'd point to Setanta as an expert in History, and to Craven as one in PHP programming and possibly also poker. You could probably make a case for many of the water softener guys as being experts in their field. My father has been on this site a few times and he's a real live engineering expert (as in, he's testified as an expert in court cases). There are teachers on here (Eva, msolga and now littlek, there must be others but I'm blanking on the names) and they can be pointed to as experts, if not in teaching
per se than in the area of what it's like to be a teacher, if that distinction makes any sense to you.
So we're not totally without experts.