Mon 26 Nov, 2007 09:26 am
Loved Quiet Riot. Have they figured out a cause of death?
no, and apparently he was dead 6 days before he was discovered. Kevin was an extremely arrogant ass in his younger days but had mellowed out and the general knowledge was that he had quit the abuse, took care of himself, worked out regularly etc. So ya never know. He had a hell of a rock voice... powerful as hell.
QR was the first metal band to ever break the Billboard top ten and have the Billboard number one single even though other hair bands went on to have more success.
The coroner says the cause of death is
cocaine intoxication.
that's really too bad... in the rock business in the 70's and 80's cocaine was a party favor and we did it by the pound.... but we were young.
I quit doing coke many years ago and here is another reminder that I'm too old for that **** now if I ever get tempted again.
too soon old.... too late smart.