Sun 25 Nov, 2007 06:08 pm
If Ragman or someone is out there, have any of you got the lyrics for the Fivepenny Piece, "Got to get away"??
I can't help with the lyrics, but you may be interested to know that the title is officially spelt: "Gotta Get Away".
Fivepenny Piece
Hi Contrax thanks for that. Yes they used an Americanism which seems to be the norm in modern songs from the late 50's onwards, I do the same myself of course, during performances. although strange for a group who usually performed in the Lancashire dialect. I requested Got To Get Away, as the correct meaning of the phrase, for the benefit of the 'older' generation' in the uk who might have the answer I need. Corrupting correct english is a licence made use of by most singers and groups, today, in order to appeal to a wider audience, other than just a local one. This particular song seems relevant to me in 2007, as it seems to voice the general feeling of the uk population at the moment and therefore would be popular again.
Gotta Get away lyrics.
I have a few 5p piece albums and know a few of the songs; here are the lyrics from memory;-
Dont know where I'm going, only know I gotta get away,
Away from the smoke and boredom of my day.
Gotta get a movin, gotta be a proving that I can make my way,
Dont know where I'm going only know I gotta get away.
Gotta buy a ticket on a one way British railway line,
Away from the chimneys manufacturing grime.
Got myself a yearning, gotta be turning to anew kind of day,
Where the grass is greener on the other side of the way.
* And so I'm getting moving, going to the land of my dreams,
Down by the river of hope and those living streams.
My wheels need a turning, my boats need a burning, then I'll be
on my way,
Dont know where I'm going, only know I gotta get away.
Instrumental 'bridge' ( whoa whoa, etc)
Then repeat verse from *
Then repeat chorus and last line 3 times........
Hope this helps. By the way, I'm an expat Yorkshireman and even I think they're brilliant.
Cheeers Peter F.
Fivepenny Piece
Hi Pete,
Many thanks for that, you're a star, and a compliment indeed for the 5pp from an ex -pat 'Tyke'. Well done. I have to say that I agree with the Tyke motto though, even if the Lancashire 'Lyne' divides the two most normal and down to earth parts of the uk. What would Lancashire do without its back garden? I shall fire up the Yamaha Tyros, print out the words, and give it some welly!! Just hope that Derbyshire doesn't feel left out though. Roll on Saturday night!!