Noddy24 wrote:Gala--
Interesting question.
I can run for a long time on pure adrenaline, but eventually I crash. Left to myself I'd curl up under the bed in fetal position, oblivious of the dust woollies.
Usually this is impossible, so I move through the long, long minutes of my days on auto-pilot relying on well-honed practical precedents and the rules of etiquette.
When pushed to hard, I'll snap. Unfortunately when I let loose I can remember every single insult that has been festering and I can think of every single word that describes my rage and disgust.
Yep. I know what you're saying. Those well-honed execution of practical habits/precedents and etiquette go a long way toward maintaining some civility-- the day-to-day-moment-to-moment steps, which ensure some order; remembering to take my Metro pass and work ID out of my pocket and into my pouch the moment I get off the subway so I can just grab it the next morning, saying hello to the guy who hands out the newspapers at the Metro stop, preparing food for the day's work ahead, making lists in my small daily planner (even if it means reminding myself of something as vague as "pay bills.")
But...sometimes, all that list making, laundry-doing, appointment-making, being on the ball, witty, clever, ha, ha, ha-ness gets uncontrollably, involuntarily pushed aside for some kind of surly Back-Off! or you will pay personality that needs to assert itself. I figure it has everything to do with to many demands put on our time, too much clock-watching, not enough time spent just humming along with no plans or cares...