Sun 18 Nov, 2007 09:13 am
Can anyone tell me who influenced Ron Mael's witty lyrics?
(He's also good at punning :
Quip from an interview about "Change" posted at YouTube:
Russ: I sound very nasal, like the Beach Boys but my brother's got more of a mid-Atlantic accent.
Ron: Yeah, I'm all wet. :wink:)
You could try the forum on their site:
(someone has already debunked the Cole Porter theory)
Who influenced Ron Mael's lyrics?
Thanks a lot Veteran Hingehead, I wasn't aware of the site. I was thinking along the lines of American humorists such as S.J.Perelman, as a matter of fact. Perhaps the Mael Bros invented themselves... :wink:
Well their affection for all things English may indicate a Goons or Python influence as well.
Ron Mael Revisited
All [/I]things English, Veteran Hingehead?
Consider the following lines qoted from memory:
[QUOTE]One day we'll have one extra coastline
We'll tire of the Atlantic
And then we'll be rid of your lot
And everyone's special
We speak and we sing
The way that you do
And showed you our hospitality on parade
But now we are we
We're no longer you
One day they'll find
That the Queen is a man
But that Philip don't care
I predict
Cheers all the same! :wink: