Tue 19 Aug, 2003 01:28 pm
In a very scientific study of people on the internet has shown that they tend to have very different body types than those in the brick and mortar world.
They tend to have enormous heads, large smiles and usually taper off toward their feet... well just have a look at the picture:
uhhh I broke that mold lol
Oh, whew, good, I thought it might be Testicular InCompetence....
You have testicles on the mind Deb.
Ok, let me revise:
She has testes on the brain.
[size=7]And wimmin just objectify ya know. They think of us as sex objects.[/size]
Craven de Kere wrote:
[size=7]And wimmin just objectify ya know. They think of us as sex objects.[/size]
Well, duh. Do you have another purpose?
Yes, to be valued for something other than physical beauty. Like our tireless efforts to clean homes and rear kids.
Oh. They have maids and nannies for that.
Oh, 'twas a purely compassionate and medical concern, Craven - I feared you might have RSI!!!!
And, to be frank, testicles are not exactly BEAUTIFUL.......
Testicles get no respect. Ima goan start a "testicles are beautiful" campaign. Thing is, they are damn ugly.
LOL! well, I think the truth, as ever, lies somewhere in the middle - testicles are, generally, not as ugly as you fear, and not as beautiful as some of their owners hope....
Some men DO have lovely testicles, though...strange, but true...
Maybe you should take up the cause then. I'm busy trying to campaign for the esthetic acceptance of breasts in modern society.
"Breasts are beautiful"
Damn, i wish this were true--i'd have a helluvan easier time findin' shoes effen my feets were small . . .
Well, Craven - I think that breasts already have a very good publicity consultant - perhaps one who is a tad hyperactive, even - I think your campaign is superfluous...
There are never too many breast activists in this cruel anti-breast society.
I propose a testicle 'bra' to plump them up a bit and make 'em look good....god help those mins who can actually reach 'em with their tongues....