Do they come with cleats?
I wouldn't be caught dead in one of them, but I do own their stocks,
so Linkat, don't you go around and bad mouth Crocs now.
New Rule: Stop wearing plastic shoes. It was only a year ago when only preschoolers and mental patients wore these. But, now grownups all over America have gone "Croc" crazy. The latest step in our unending quest to dress as casually as humanly possible. "You know, I used to wear flip-flops, but they're a little dressy." "I want clothing I can hose down." Admit it, we're a nation of slobs who won't be happy until we can go to the mall in a diaper.
Region Philbis wrote:sneakers are comfortable.
end of story...
But slip ons are effortless.
Kicky's post reminded me of the plastic sandals I had when I was a teenylowan.
I loved them! They were bright yellow, and I could wear them into the sea, when there were lots of rocks!
They were way cool.
Crocs look like great gardening shoes to me.
personnel at our local hospitals are no longer allowed to wear crocs .
a dropped needle will effortlessly penetrate the crocs and get lodged in the foot - so they are now VERBOTEN !
actually showed a demo on local TV - ouch !
perhaps they'll have to have some crocs with steel-mesh reinforced tops for hospital personnel .
Oh, and there's some deal with kids getting their crocs stuck in escalator steps and getting hurt..
I *just* saw that for the first time, freaky. Not online either, as in part of the search -- sozlet's school had some kind of a newspaper (student-written) and there was an article about that, which I just read. (Something like that just happened with nimh, too, same article within a few minutes, independently.)
I can see how it'd be a problem but I'm not actually concerned, seems easy enough to avoid.
I found this photo while I was looking for pics of Batali wearing crocs. My eyes! My eyes!
But those weren't argyle knee socks...
(If I ever see an escalator when I'm wearing my pseudo crocs, I'll take the stairs.) I did read that there were going to fix whatever the sole pattern wqs that got caught.
Crocs are the shoe of choice in my end of the flower biz. We stand all day, sometimes up to our ankles in leaves, petals, plants trimmings, soil, etc. and lots of water. Crocs are light, easy to clean, and the ones with holes allow your feet to breathe. I wear mine (have a black pair & a green pair) with pseudo-orthotic insoles for extra comfort and support. Back in the day when I worked in restaurant kitchens, all the chefs wore clogs -- I'll bet that most of them have switched to crocs, now.
Waves to Tico... crocs come in black for women? I may have to go for it.
I do wear clogs, Dansko's, otherwise, a lot of the time. My feet are still in pretty good shape, and I'll soon be 96....
I read the for amusement, slight edification, and the photography. I look at the 5" inch heels and think of the teetering, er, pedestalia....
My business partner and I used to wear danskos in the field, most of the year. Crocs are not to cross fields, at least relatively bumpy fields, but pretty comfy for the grocery store.
Memories of the last time I went through some landscape arch/contractor exhibit at a giant convention center... Concrete for a zillion hours.
Not sure if I'd like Danskos or crocs or my Air Max better for that.
jespah wrote:I found this photo while I was looking for pics of Batali wearing crocs. My eyes! My eyes!

are those presidential seal socks? i hope not, that would be plain retarded... then again, i would not be all that surprised.
You have a good eye. I think they are......
ossobuco wrote:You have a good eye. I think they are......
While I have a browser that easily magnifies.
The nadir has been plumbed.
Dag, that's exactly what I was thinking...
Presidental seal socks!
forget the crocs, look at the socks!
I mean I'm glad to see people taking pride in their job but
But whatever, it doesn't really matter in his case. There are far bigger fish to fry.
Kinda retard-gay looking, and, as a kid, I had a pair of CORFAM shoes, they were always uncomfortable, those crocs look the same.
My wife wears "Ducks" (LL Beans old croc_ for barn work, she can hose em off and then leave em out in the barn when shes done.
I can see crocs for kids, sozobe, but they should be outlawed for anyone over the age of puberty (except for perhaps kicking around the house/yard) and for men - men should be whipped for wearing those things.
Nice kicky - my thoughts exactly.
Oh my lord, jespah - I now have zero respect for that man.