Tue 19 Aug, 2003 10:14 am
jjorge - I think Trippi is one of the samrt ones. In the very beginning, he used to answr me personally.
However, here's something you might enjoy. It seems that Bush, late aas ever, has decided Dan's blog sites are working. So, they have upgraded the gwbush site, and have offered help tp bloggers and others, by having pre-written letters to send, etc.
The 'revolution' happened a long time ago with Drudge. Dean's blogs are a lil' ripple in comparison but they have had some interesting tricks.
I've been watching some of the Dean blogs. some clever techniques are used.
And smartly used. I see Kerry has started also, but his are slicker and don't say anything much.
Funny - it was Gore who talked up the internet, and Dean who's really using it. And this is where the competition with talk radio Limbaughs might actually be. I wonder if anyone's done a study on internet use - more dems, repubs, etc?
I really wish Gore would avoid the use of the word internet.
blogs are a great way for those vexed by the pervasiveness of liberalism in mass media to find like minded peers.
Actually I've thought the 'net may be a good way for progressives to break through the corportate media.
Dean's blogs as well as the impressive array of "anti-war" blogs shows that this may be true.